Thursday, June 20, 2013

A wonderful email from Victoria

Hi Diane, 

Indonesia...a dream come true. It's just amazing, I can't enclosed some pics because internet is not powerful in Indonesia but there are some on my Facebook.  

I would like to thank you again, this internship largely contributed to confirm my choices. I have enjoyed working with the staff and help clients to reach their goals and have learned so much about the field of media, and the challenges of marketing mechanics. I particularly liked building marketing plans; indeed this task was really complete. I am exciting to do my specialization in media next year. 

I know that training a new intern is a lot of work for you and Ayeisha, and I appreciate your time and patience to answering all my questions and finding interesting tasks for me to do. Thank you again for helping to make my internship a rewarding experience. We will keep in touch. 

Kind Regards, 

Victoria Capron

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